
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

18.0 Slim Novel 18 Begins with a Poem

Slim Novel 18 - - See Homepage
The Red Planet
Brother of Earth; spawn of Sun's birth
When time was a dream unborn.
He circles out in space, his fierce red face
Now, dry, ravaged, scarred and forlorn.

No more than a tomb, laid low by a doom
Writ down in the scheme of each moon.
His surface once bore; life as never before
And never again, would it come into ken.

Life unlike Man, built on a plan
Of Silicon structure from when.
And flourishing in a sea of sand
Built castles on an alien plan.

Their towers soared high and thrust to sky
They harnessed the secrets of sand power.
They lived not on blood but the law of the mud
Still, like all higher life, they were ended by strife.

Tragedy fell and sounded the knell
Because they ignored nature's law.
The grains of sand became a giant gland
Of overpopulation's maw.

Then followed eruptions and fire and storm
The planet now lifeless nor wet nor warm.
Meanwhile on Earth, Man grows in girth
A sign his unhappy ending's not worth
A two-pence for your thought.

End of Chapter. To read the next chapter now, click on

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